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Indian Government Recruitment 2024 - 273+ Vacancies

Last Updated: November 26, 2024 01:55 PM | by KW Media

Indian Government Recruitment November 2024

Indian Government Jobs 2024 - On this page, We update Latest and upcoming Government Jobs of Indian Government. Currently 273+ Vacancies are available in the Indian Government. All the Job Notifications are shared from website.

Indian Government under the organization

Latest Indian Government Job News

Organization Posts Vacancies Qualification Last Date Apply
NGEL Engineer, Executive 63 BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, MA, MBA, PG Diploma 13-04-2024 Apply Now
AIASL Bhuj Handyman, Ramp Driver 17 10th, Any Degree, Diploma, ITI, MBA 17-04-2024 Apply Now
NHPC Graduate & Technician Apprentice 17 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 13-04-2024 Apply Now
Engine Factory Avadi Design Engineer, Design Assistant 4 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 19-04-2024 Apply Now
Kerala High Court Assistant 45 Any Degree, BL, Law 02-05-2024 Apply Now
Kolkata Police Data Entry Operator 225 Any Degree 04-04-2024 Apply Now
Ministry of Defence Fireman 40 10th 22-05-2024 Apply Now
OFN Rajgir MBBS Doctor 1 MBBS 05-04-2024 Apply Now
RITES Section Engineer, Assistant 12 BA, BE/B.Tech, Diploma 07-04-2024 Apply Now
IGM Kolkata Junior Technician, Engraver 9 BA, ITI 22-04-2024 Apply Now
NIPER Guwahati Assistant, Scientist, Professor 7 Any Degree, M.Pharm, M.Sc, MS, MVSc, PhD 17-04-2024 Apply Now
Supreme Court of India Assistant Registrar 1 BCA, BE/B.Tech, MCA 30-04-2024 Apply Now
NVS MTS, Nurse, Computer Operator 1377 10th, 12th, Any Degree, B.Com, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech, BL, Diploma, ITI, Law, MA 30-04-2024 Apply Now
Andrew Yule Manager, Welfare Officer 13 BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, M.Com, M.Sc, MA, MCA, PG Diploma 12-04-2024 Apply Now
FDDI DGM, Lab Attendant 8 12th, B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc, MBA, ME/M.Tech, PG Diploma 13-04-2024 Apply Now
SVC Bank Manager, Customer Service Officer 88 B.Arch, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, Diploma, MA, MBA 09-04-2024 Apply Now
SACON Coimbatore Junior Research Biologist 7 M.Sc, PhD 08-04-2024 Apply Now
GRSE Project Coordinator, Project Executive 28 BE/B.Tech 12-04-2024 Apply Now
SVNIRTAR DEO, Junior Assistant, Social Worker 5 Any Degree, M.Phil, MA 15-04-2024 Apply Now
CUO Professor 12 PhD 25-04-2024 Apply Now
OICL Administrative Officers 100 B.Com, B.Sc, BDS, BE/B.Tech, M.Sc, MBA, MBBS, MCA, ME/M.Tech 12-04-2024 Apply Now
NIT Meghalaya Technician, Junior Assistant 6 12th, Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc 30-04-2024 Apply Now
NCRTC DGM, GM, Web Developer 4 BE/B.Tech, MCA 04-04-2024 Apply Now
HVF Avadi Junior Assistant, Manager, Engineer 34 Any Degree, BA, BE/B.Tech, Diploma 13-04-2024 Apply Now
Engine Factory Avadi Manager, Consultant 5 BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech, PhD 13-04-2024 Apply Now
BMC License Inspector 118 Any Degree 14-05-2024 Apply Now
Kamdhenu University Principal, Professor, Director 119 M.Sc, PhD 25-04-2024 Apply Now
BGSYS Accountant/IT Assistant 6570 B.Com, CA/CMA, M.Com 14-05-2024 Apply Now
AVNL Chennai Engineer, Junior Assistant 34 Retired 06-04-2024 Apply Now
PRL Ahmedabad Junior Personal Assistant 16 Any Degree 31-03-2024 Apply Now
NHPC Trainee Engineers 269 BE/B.Tech, M.Sc 26-03-2024 Apply Now
Puducherry Drugs Control Dept Junior Scientific Officer 1 M.Pharm, M.Sc 27-03-2024 Apply Now
Ordnance Factory, Nilgiris Medical Practitioner 1 MBBS 11-03-2024 Apply Now
MOIL Graduate Trainee, Management Trainee 44 Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, Diploma, M.Sc, MBA 21-03-2024 Apply Now
IIT Bhubaneswar Medical Officer, Engineer, Instructor 8 B.P.Ed, BE/B.Tech, BL, CA/CMA, Law, M.Com, MBA, MBBS, MD, MS, PG Diploma 21-03-2024 Apply Now
Allahabad University Assistant Librarian, Non-Teaching Staff 347 10th, 12th, Any Degree, B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, M.Sc, ME/M.Tech 01-04-2024 Apply Now
IMU Chennai JRF, Research Assistant 2 B.Com, B.Sc, BA, BBA, BE/B.Tech, BL, Law, M.Sc, MA, MBA, ME/M.Tech 15-03-2024 Apply Now
HVF Avadi Design Engineer 6 BE/B.Tech 08-03-2024 Apply Now
UPSC Specialist, Scientist 69 BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc, MA, MD, ME/M.Tech, MS, PG Diploma 15-02-2024 Apply Now
HOCL Assistant Manager, Scientific Officer 8 BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, M.Sc, MA, MBA, PG Diploma 11-02-2024 Apply Now
DSE Puducherry Trained Graduate Teacher 407 B.Ed, B.Sc, BA, M.Com, M.Sc, MA 23-02-2024 Apply Now
Ordnance Factory Korwa Doctor 1 MBBS 30-01-2024 Apply Now
Ordnance Factory Chanda MBBS Doctor 1 MBBS 29-01-2024 Apply Now
AVNL Chennai Company Secretary 1 BL, Law 08-02-2024 Apply Now
Puducherry Co-operative Department Junior Inspector 38 Any Degree, B.Com, BA, BBA, CA/CMA 04-02-2024 Apply Now
Puducherry Planning & Research Department Investigator 5 B.Sc 12-02-2024 Apply Now
BHU Nurse, Medical Officer, Executive Engineer 257 B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc, MBBS, MCA, ME/M.Tech, Nursing, PhD 27-01-2024 Apply Now
Hindu College Administrative Officer, Senior Personal Assistant 2 B.Sc, BA, M.Sc, MA, MBA, MCA 20-01-2024 Apply Now
MBMA Apprentice 20 B.Com, BBA, MBA 10-01-2024 Apply Now
ITDC Sales Assistant, Junior Assistant Various Any Degree 11-01-2024 Apply Now

Jobs by Qualification

Indian Government Recruitment 2024 to 2025 full details are available on this page. Indian Government have various job vacancies in many fields. We get all the details from the Indian Government Official Website and share Job News on We recommend job searching candidates regularly check this page for faster Job Updates.

Recently shared posts are Engineer, Executive, Handyman, Ramp Driver, Graduate & Technician Apprentice, Design Engineer, Design Assistant, Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Fireman, MBBS Doctor, Section Engineer, Assistant, Junior Technician, Engraver, Assistant, Scientist, Professor, Assistant Registrar, MTS, Nurse, Computer Operator, Manager, Welfare Officer, DGM, Lab Attendant, Manager, Customer Service Officer, Junior Research Biologist, Project Coordinator, Project Executive, DEO, Junior Assistant, Social Worker, Professor, Administrative Officers, Technician, Junior Assistant, DGM, GM, Web Developer, Junior Assistant, Manager, Engineer, Manager, Consultant, License Inspector, Principal, Professor, Director, Accountant/IT Assistant, Engineer, Junior Assistant, Junior Personal Assistant, Trainee Engineers, Junior Scientific Officer, Medical Practitioner, Graduate Trainee, Management Trainee, Medical Officer, Engineer, Instructor, Assistant Librarian, Non-Teaching Staff, JRF, Research Assistant, Design Engineer, Specialist, Scientist, Assistant Manager, Scientific Officer, Trained Graduate Teacher, Doctor, MBBS Doctor, Company Secretary, Junior Inspector, Investigator, Nurse, Medical Officer, Executive Engineer, Administrative Officer, Senior Personal Assistant, Apprentice, Sales Assistant, Junior Assistant

Indian Government Recruitment 2024 to 2025

All the latest and upcoming Indian Government Recruitment 2023 will share on this page. Before, Applying for any job please read the official notification carefully. Jobkola team only get Indian Government Job News from the official website So, please read the guidelines mentioned on the Official Website before applying for the job.

Indian Government Admit Card 2024 to 2025

We only share Indian Government Job Updates. So, plese check the Official Website for Admit Card related updates.

Indian Government Result 2024 to 2025

We only share Indian Government Job Updates. So, plese check the Official Website for result related updates.

Eligibility/Education Qualification

Here we shared the recently released post's eligibility criteria for Indian Government Recruitment 2023-2024. Candidates must need to fullfil the education qualification.

Organization Posts Eligibility
NGEL Engineer, Executive BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, MA, MBA, PG Diploma
AIASL Bhuj Handyman, Ramp Driver 10th, Any Degree, Diploma, ITI, MBA
NHPC Graduate & Technician Apprentice BE/B.Tech, Diploma
Engine Factory Avadi Design Engineer, Design Assistant BE/B.Tech, Diploma
Kerala High Court Assistant Any Degree, BL, Law
Kolkata Police Data Entry Operator Any Degree
Ministry of Defence Fireman 10th
OFN Rajgir MBBS Doctor MBBS
RITES Section Engineer, Assistant BA, BE/B.Tech, Diploma
IGM Kolkata Junior Technician, Engraver BA, ITI
NIPER Guwahati Assistant, Scientist, Professor Any Degree, M.Pharm, M.Sc, MS, MVSc, PhD
Supreme Court of India Assistant Registrar BCA, BE/B.Tech, MCA
NVS MTS, Nurse, Computer Operator 10th, 12th, Any Degree, B.Com, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech, BL, Diploma, ITI, Law, MA
Andrew Yule Manager, Welfare Officer BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, M.Com, M.Sc, MA, MCA, PG Diploma
FDDI DGM, Lab Attendant 12th, B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc, MBA, ME/M.Tech, PG Diploma
SVC Bank Manager, Customer Service Officer B.Arch, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, Diploma, MA, MBA
SACON Coimbatore Junior Research Biologist M.Sc, PhD
GRSE Project Coordinator, Project Executive BE/B.Tech
SVNIRTAR DEO, Junior Assistant, Social Worker Any Degree, M.Phil, MA
CUO Professor PhD
OICL Administrative Officers B.Com, B.Sc, BDS, BE/B.Tech, M.Sc, MBA, MBBS, MCA, ME/M.Tech
NIT Meghalaya Technician, Junior Assistant 12th, Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc
NCRTC DGM, GM, Web Developer BE/B.Tech, MCA
HVF Avadi Junior Assistant, Manager, Engineer Any Degree, BA, BE/B.Tech, Diploma
Engine Factory Avadi Manager, Consultant BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech, PhD
BMC License Inspector Any Degree
Kamdhenu University Principal, Professor, Director M.Sc, PhD
BGSYS Accountant/IT Assistant B.Com, CA/CMA, M.Com
AVNL Chennai Engineer, Junior Assistant Retired
PRL Ahmedabad Junior Personal Assistant Any Degree
NHPC Trainee Engineers BE/B.Tech, M.Sc
Puducherry Drugs Control Dept Junior Scientific Officer M.Pharm, M.Sc
Ordnance Factory, Nilgiris Medical Practitioner MBBS
MOIL Graduate Trainee, Management Trainee Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, Diploma, M.Sc, MBA
IIT Bhubaneswar Medical Officer, Engineer, Instructor B.P.Ed, BE/B.Tech, BL, CA/CMA, Law, M.Com, MBA, MBBS, MD, MS, PG Diploma
Allahabad University Assistant Librarian, Non-Teaching Staff 10th, 12th, Any Degree, B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, M.Sc, ME/M.Tech
IMU Chennai JRF, Research Assistant B.Com, B.Sc, BA, BBA, BE/B.Tech, BL, Law, M.Sc, MA, MBA, ME/M.Tech
HVF Avadi Design Engineer BE/B.Tech
UPSC Specialist, Scientist BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc, MA, MD, ME/M.Tech, MS, PG Diploma
HOCL Assistant Manager, Scientific Officer BE/B.Tech, CA/CMA, M.Sc, MA, MBA, PG Diploma
DSE Puducherry Trained Graduate Teacher B.Ed, B.Sc, BA, M.Com, M.Sc, MA
Ordnance Factory Korwa Doctor MBBS
Ordnance Factory Chanda MBBS Doctor MBBS
AVNL Chennai Company Secretary BL, Law
Puducherry Co-operative Department Junior Inspector Any Degree, B.Com, BA, BBA, CA/CMA
Puducherry Planning & Research Department Investigator B.Sc
BHU Nurse, Medical Officer, Executive Engineer B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, M.Sc, MBBS, MCA, ME/M.Tech, Nursing, PhD
Hindu College Administrative Officer, Senior Personal Assistant B.Sc, BA, M.Sc, MA, MBA, MCA
MBMA Apprentice B.Com, BBA, MBA
ITDC Sales Assistant, Junior Assistant Any Degree

Salary Details

Here we shared the recently released post's Salary Details for Indian Government Recruitment 2023-2024. Salary is based on the Qualifications and experience of the candidates.

Organization Posts Salary
NGEL Engineer, Executive Rs.83,000 per month
AIASL Bhuj Handyman, Ramp Driver Rs.15,120 to Rs.29,760 per month
NHPC Graduate & Technician Apprentice Rs.8,000 to Rs.9,000 per month
Engine Factory Avadi Design Engineer, Design Assistant Rs.40,000 to Rs.50,000 per month
Kerala High Court Assistant Rs.39,300 to Rs.83,000 per month
Kolkata Police Data Entry Operator Rs.16,000 per month
Ministry of Defence Fireman Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
OFN Rajgir MBBS Doctor Rs.75,000 per month
RITES Section Engineer, Assistant Rs.18,940 to Rs.27,057 per month
IGM Kolkata Junior Technician, Engraver Rs.18,780 to Rs.85,570 per month
NIPER Guwahati Assistant, Scientist, Professor Rs.29,200 to Rs.144,200 per month
Supreme Court of India Assistant Registrar Rs.78,800 per month
NVS MTS, Nurse, Computer Operator Rs.18,000 to Rs.142,400 per month
Andrew Yule Manager, Welfare Officer Rs.30,000 to Rs.200,000 per month
FDDI DGM, Lab Attendant Rs.20,000 to Rs.92,000 per month
SVC Bank Manager, Customer Service Officer Rs.20,000 per month
SACON Coimbatore Junior Research Biologist Rs.31,000 to Rs.52,000 per month
GRSE Project Coordinator, Project Executive Rs.50,000 to Rs.73,000 per month
SVNIRTAR DEO, Junior Assistant, Social Worker Rs.25,500 to Rs.142,400 per month
CUO Professor Rs.144,200 to Rs.218,200 per month
OICL Administrative Officers Rs.50,925 to Rs.96,765 per month
NIT Meghalaya Technician, Junior Assistant Rs.21,702 to Rs.35,400 per month
NCRTC DGM, GM, Web Developer Rs.70,000 to Rs.260,000 per month
HVF Avadi Junior Assistant, Manager, Engineer Rs.22,000 to Rs.60,000 per month
Engine Factory Avadi Manager, Consultant Rs.75,000 to Rs.110,000 per month
BMC License Inspector Rs.29,200 to Rs.92,300 per month
Kamdhenu University Principal, Professor, Director Rs.15,600 to Rs.67,000 per month
BGSYS Accountant/IT Assistant Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
AVNL Chennai Engineer, Junior Assistant Rs.22,000 to Rs.60,000 per month
PRL Ahmedabad Junior Personal Assistant Rs.25,500 to Rs.81,100 per month
NHPC Trainee Engineers Rs.50,000 to Rs.160,000 per month
Puducherry Drugs Control Dept Junior Scientific Officer Rs.44,900 per month
Ordnance Factory, Nilgiris Medical Practitioner Rs.75,000 per month
MOIL Graduate Trainee, Management Trainee Rs.50,000 to Rs.160,000 per month
IIT Bhubaneswar Medical Officer, Engineer, Instructor Rs.35,400 to Rs.215,900 per month
Allahabad University Assistant Librarian, Non-Teaching Staff Rs.15,000 to Rs.150,000 per month
IMU Chennai JRF, Research Assistant Rs.16,200 to Rs.25,000 per month
HVF Avadi Design Engineer Rs.50,000 to Rs.60,000 per month
UPSC Specialist, Scientist Rs.20,000 to Rs.180,001 per month
HOCL Assistant Manager, Scientific Officer Rs.16,400 to Rs.58,000 per month
DSE Puducherry Trained Graduate Teacher Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Ordnance Factory Korwa Doctor Rs.75,000 per month
Ordnance Factory Chanda MBBS Doctor Rs.75,000 per month
AVNL Chennai Company Secretary Rs.110,000 per month
Puducherry Co-operative Department Junior Inspector Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Puducherry Planning & Research Department Investigator Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
BHU Nurse, Medical Officer, Executive Engineer Rs.44,900 to Rs.217,100 per month
Hindu College Administrative Officer, Senior Personal Assistant Rs.60,000 to Rs.120,002 per month
MBMA Apprentice Rs.7,000 to Rs.12,000 per month
ITDC Sales Assistant, Junior Assistant Rs.19,970 to Rs.71,610 per month

Age Limit

There is the minimum age limit for the posts is 18 years. The maximum Age Limit varies based on the posts. So, Please read the Official Notification for more details. Age relaxation based on Government rules.

How to apply for Indian Government Recruitment?

If we mentioned Online then you need to visit official website for apply. If it is offline, then you need to download the application form and send it to the mentioned address. If it is email then you need to send the application form to the Email. If it is a Walk-in then you visit the walk-in venue and attend the interview. If it is direct then you need to get the application form directly from the office address.

Organization Posts Apply Mode
NGEL Engineer, Executive Online
AIASL Bhuj Handyman, Ramp Driver Walk-IN
NHPC Graduate & Technician Apprentice Offline via Post
Engine Factory Avadi Design Engineer, Design Assistant Offline via Post
Kerala High Court Assistant Online
Kolkata Police Data Entry Operator Online
Ministry of Defence Fireman Offline via Post
OFN Rajgir MBBS Doctor Walk-IN
RITES Section Engineer, Assistant Online
IGM Kolkata Junior Technician, Engraver Online
NIPER Guwahati Assistant, Scientist, Professor Online
Supreme Court of India Assistant Registrar Offline via Post
NVS MTS, Nurse, Computer Operator Online
Andrew Yule Manager, Welfare Officer Online
FDDI DGM, Lab Attendant Online
SVC Bank Manager, Customer Service Officer Online via E-Mail
SACON Coimbatore Junior Research Biologist Online
GRSE Project Coordinator, Project Executive Online
SVNIRTAR DEO, Junior Assistant, Social Worker Online
CUO Professor Online
OICL Administrative Officers Online
NIT Meghalaya Technician, Junior Assistant Online
NCRTC DGM, GM, Web Developer Online
HVF Avadi Junior Assistant, Manager, Engineer Offline via Post
Engine Factory Avadi Manager, Consultant Offline via Post
BMC License Inspector Online
Kamdhenu University Principal, Professor, Director Offline via Post
BGSYS Accountant/IT Assistant Online
AVNL Chennai Engineer, Junior Assistant Offline via Post
PRL Ahmedabad Junior Personal Assistant Online
NHPC Trainee Engineers Online
Puducherry Drugs Control Dept Junior Scientific Officer Offline via Post
Ordnance Factory, Nilgiris Medical Practitioner Walk-IN
MOIL Graduate Trainee, Management Trainee Online
IIT Bhubaneswar Medical Officer, Engineer, Instructor Online
Allahabad University Assistant Librarian, Non-Teaching Staff Online
IMU Chennai JRF, Research Assistant Online
HVF Avadi Design Engineer Offline via Post
UPSC Specialist, Scientist Online
HOCL Assistant Manager, Scientific Officer Online
DSE Puducherry Trained Graduate Teacher Online
Ordnance Factory Korwa Doctor Walk-IN
Ordnance Factory Chanda MBBS Doctor Walk-IN
AVNL Chennai Company Secretary Offline via Post
Puducherry Co-operative Department Junior Inspector Online
Puducherry Planning & Research Department Investigator Online
BHU Nurse, Medical Officer, Executive Engineer Online
Hindu College Administrative Officer, Senior Personal Assistant Online
MBMA Apprentice Online
ITDC Sales Assistant, Junior Assistant Online
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