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Indian Army Recruitment 2025 - 76+ Vacancies

Last Updated: February 15, 2025 10:59 AM | by KW Media

Indian Army Recruitment February 2025

Indian Army Jobs 2025 - On this page, We update Latest and upcoming Government Jobs of Indian Army. Currently 76+ Vacancies are available in the Indian Army. All the Job Notifications are shared from website.

Indian Army is the biggest land defence force in India. Its headquarters located in New Delhi (Capital of India).

Latest Indian Army Job News

Organization Posts Vacancies Qualification Last Date Apply
Indian Army NCC Special Entry 76 Any Degree 15-03-2025 Apply Now
Territorial Army Soldier 1901 10th, 12th, 8th 27-11-2024 Apply Now
Territorial Army Ex-Officers 10 Any Degree, Ex-Servicemen 27-09-2024 Apply Now
Army ASC South Cook, MTS, Driver 41 10th, Diploma, ITI 17-08-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army SSC Officer (Law) 10 BL, Law 13-08-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army SSC (Tech) 381 Any Degree, BE/B.Tech 14-08-2024 Apply Now
Army Public School Gaya Principal 1 Any Degree, B.Ed 25-07-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army NCC Special Entry 76 Any Degree 09-08-2024 Apply Now
AFMS Medical Officer 450 MBBS 04-08-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army TES 52 Course 90 12th 13-06-2024 Apply Now
Army HQ MEG & Centre MTS, Barber, Instructor 3 10th 31-05-2024 Apply Now
APS Wellington Teachers (TGT/PGT/PRT) 32 Any Degree, B.Ed, B.Sc, BA, Diploma, M.Sc, MA 18-05-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course (Officer) 30 BE/B.Tech 09-05-2024 Apply Now
DSSC Wellington Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 6 10th 30-03-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army TN Circle Agniveer, Nursing Assistant Various 10th, 12th, 8th, Any Degree, B.Pharm, BA, D.Pharm 22-03-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army Religious Teacher/JCO Various Any Degree, BA 22-03-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army SSC Officer 381 BE/B.Tech 21-02-2024 Apply Now
Indian Army Rally, Cuddalore Agniveer Various 10th 13-01-2024 Apply Now
Army HQ Central Command Cook, Washerman, Messenger 16 10th 10-12-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army 10+2 TES-51 Course (SSC Officer) 90 12th 12-11-2023 Apply Now
Military Hospital, Chennai Gynaecologist 1 MD, MS 10-10-2023 Apply Now
DSSC Wellington Driver, Fireman, Clerk, Cook 44 10th, 12th, ITI 23-09-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Officers 97 Any Degree, BE/B.Tech 19-07-2023 Apply Now
Army Public School Wellington LDC, Receptionist, Teachers 30 Any Degree, B.Sc, BA, M.Sc, MA 21-05-2023 Apply Now
Nagercoil Military Canteen Clerk, Assistant, Computer Operator Various 12th, B.Com 02-05-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army SSC Officer (TGC-138) 40 BE/B.Tech 17-05-2023 Apply Now
HQ Southern Command Civilian Switch Board Operator 53 10th 08-05-2023 Apply Now
Ordnance Factory Chanda Graduate & Technician Apprentice 76 B.Com, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech, Diploma 30-04-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army Chennai Rally Agniveer Various 10th, 8th, Diploma, ITI 15-03-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army Coimbatore Rally Agniveer Various 10th, 8th, Diploma, ITI 15-03-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army Trichy Rally Agniveer Various 10th, 8th, Diploma, ITI 15-03-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army HQ 22 Movement Control Cook, Washer Man, Baber, MTS 135 10th 03-03-2023 Apply Now
Indian Army Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) 128 Any Degree 06-11-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army Agnipaath Rally Vellore Agniveer Various 10th, 12th, 8th 03-09-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army Agniveer (Women) Various 10th 07-09-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Tech Officer 93 Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, M.Sc 24-08-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army Dental Crops (SSC) 30 BDS, MDS 14-08-2022 Apply Now
Army ASC Centre South Cook, Driver, Cleaner, MTS 209 10th, 12th, Diploma 15-07-2022 Apply Now
HQ Infantry School Cook, LDC, Draughtsman 101 10th, 12th, Diploma, ITI 25-07-2022 Apply Now
Army Military Hospital Ahmednagar Cook, Ward Sahayika 67 10th 01-08-2022 Apply Now
Chennai Military Hospital Washerman, Tradesman 65 10th 25-07-2022 Apply Now
Army 9 Corps Signal Regiment Switch Board Operator 17 10th 20-06-2022 Apply Now
HQ Dakshin Bharath Area Canteen, Chennai Clerk, Security, Accountant, HouseKeeping 26 10th, Any Degree, Literate 04-06-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course 136 BE/B.Tech 09-06-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Barber, Chowkidar 55 10th 20-06-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Health Inspector 58 ITI 06-06-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army-Southern Command Driver, Clerk, Safaiwala 58 10th, 12th 13-06-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army-Eastern Command Clerk, Cook, Health Inspector, Washerman 158 10th, 12th 13-06-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army Bihar Regimental Centre Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala 12 10th, ITI 13-05-2022 Apply Now
Indian Army NCC Special Entry (SSC Officer) 55 Any Degree 13-04-2022 Apply Now

Jobs by Qualification

Indian Army Recruitment 2025 to 2026 full details are available on this page. Indian Army have various job vacancies in many fields. We get all the details from the Indian Army Official Website and share Job News on We recommend job searching candidates regularly check this page for faster Job Updates.

Recently shared posts are NCC Special Entry, Soldier, Ex-Officers, Cook, MTS, Driver, SSC Officer (Law), SSC (Tech), Principal, NCC Special Entry, Medical Officer, TES 52 Course, MTS, Barber, Instructor, Teachers (TGT/PGT/PRT), Technical Graduate Course (Officer), Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), Agniveer, Nursing Assistant, Religious Teacher/JCO, SSC Officer, Agniveer, Cook, Washerman, Messenger, 10+2 TES-51 Course (SSC Officer), Gynaecologist, Driver, Fireman, Clerk, Cook, SSC Officers, LDC, Receptionist, Teachers, Clerk, Assistant, Computer Operator, SSC Officer (TGC-138), Civilian Switch Board Operator, Graduate & Technician Apprentice, Agniveer, Agniveer, Agniveer, Cook, Washer Man, Baber, MTS, Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO), Agniveer, Agniveer (Women), SSC Tech Officer, Dental Crops (SSC), Cook, Driver, Cleaner, MTS, Cook, LDC, Draughtsman, Cook, Ward Sahayika, Washerman, Tradesman, Switch Board Operator, Clerk, Security, Accountant, HouseKeeping, Technical Graduate Course, Barber, Chowkidar, Health Inspector, Driver, Clerk, Safaiwala, Clerk, Cook, Health Inspector, Washerman, Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala, NCC Special Entry (SSC Officer)

Indian Army Recruitment 2025 to 2026

All the latest and upcoming Indian Army Recruitment 2023 will share on this page. Before, Applying for any job please read the official notification carefully. Jobkola team only get Indian Army Job News from the official website So, please read the guidelines mentioned on the Official Website before applying for the job.

Indian Army Admit Card 2025 to 2026

We only share Indian Government Job Updates. So, plese check the Official Website for Admit Card related updates.

Indian Army Result 2025 to 2026

We only share Indian Government Job Updates. So, plese check the Official Website for result related updates.

Eligibility/Education Qualification

Here we shared the recently released post's eligibility criteria for Indian Army Recruitment 2023-2024. Candidates must need to fullfil the education qualification.

Organization Posts Eligibility
Indian Army NCC Special Entry Any Degree
Territorial Army Soldier 10th, 12th, 8th
Territorial Army Ex-Officers Any Degree, Ex-Servicemen
Army ASC South Cook, MTS, Driver 10th, Diploma, ITI
Indian Army SSC Officer (Law) BL, Law
Indian Army SSC (Tech) Any Degree, BE/B.Tech
Army Public School Gaya Principal Any Degree, B.Ed
Indian Army NCC Special Entry Any Degree
AFMS Medical Officer MBBS
Indian Army TES 52 Course 12th
Army HQ MEG & Centre MTS, Barber, Instructor 10th
APS Wellington Teachers (TGT/PGT/PRT) Any Degree, B.Ed, B.Sc, BA, Diploma, M.Sc, MA
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course (Officer) BE/B.Tech
DSSC Wellington Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 10th
Indian Army TN Circle Agniveer, Nursing Assistant 10th, 12th, 8th, Any Degree, B.Pharm, BA, D.Pharm
Indian Army Religious Teacher/JCO Any Degree, BA
Indian Army SSC Officer BE/B.Tech
Indian Army Rally, Cuddalore Agniveer 10th
Army HQ Central Command Cook, Washerman, Messenger 10th
Indian Army 10+2 TES-51 Course (SSC Officer) 12th
Military Hospital, Chennai Gynaecologist MD, MS
DSSC Wellington Driver, Fireman, Clerk, Cook 10th, 12th, ITI
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Officers Any Degree, BE/B.Tech
Army Public School Wellington LDC, Receptionist, Teachers Any Degree, B.Sc, BA, M.Sc, MA
Nagercoil Military Canteen Clerk, Assistant, Computer Operator 12th, B.Com
Indian Army SSC Officer (TGC-138) BE/B.Tech
HQ Southern Command Civilian Switch Board Operator 10th
Ordnance Factory Chanda Graduate & Technician Apprentice B.Com, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech, Diploma
Indian Army Chennai Rally Agniveer 10th, 8th, Diploma, ITI
Indian Army Coimbatore Rally Agniveer 10th, 8th, Diploma, ITI
Indian Army Trichy Rally Agniveer 10th, 8th, Diploma, ITI
Indian Army HQ 22 Movement Control Cook, Washer Man, Baber, MTS 10th
Indian Army Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Any Degree
Indian Army Agnipaath Rally Vellore Agniveer 10th, 12th, 8th
Indian Army Agniveer (Women) 10th
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Tech Officer Any Degree, BE/B.Tech, M.Sc
Indian Army Dental Crops (SSC) BDS, MDS
Army ASC Centre South Cook, Driver, Cleaner, MTS 10th, 12th, Diploma
HQ Infantry School Cook, LDC, Draughtsman 10th, 12th, Diploma, ITI
Army Military Hospital Ahmednagar Cook, Ward Sahayika 10th
Chennai Military Hospital Washerman, Tradesman 10th
Army 9 Corps Signal Regiment Switch Board Operator 10th
HQ Dakshin Bharath Area Canteen, Chennai Clerk, Security, Accountant, HouseKeeping 10th, Any Degree, Literate
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course BE/B.Tech
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Barber, Chowkidar 10th
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Health Inspector ITI
Indian Army-Southern Command Driver, Clerk, Safaiwala 10th, 12th
Indian Army-Eastern Command Clerk, Cook, Health Inspector, Washerman 10th, 12th
Indian Army Bihar Regimental Centre Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala 10th, ITI
Indian Army NCC Special Entry (SSC Officer) Any Degree

Salary Details

Here we shared the recently released post's Salary Details for Indian Army Recruitment 2023-2024. Salary is based on the Qualifications and experience of the candidates.

Organization Posts Salary
Indian Army NCC Special Entry Rs.56,100 to Rs.177,500 per month
Territorial Army Soldier Rs.30,000 to Rs.56,000 per month
Territorial Army Ex-Officers Rs.56,100 to Rs.217,600 per month
Army ASC South Cook, MTS, Driver Rs.18,000 to Rs.21,700 per month
Indian Army SSC Officer (Law) Rs.56,100 to Rs.218,200 per month
Indian Army SSC (Tech) Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
Army Public School Gaya Principal Rs.50,000 per month
Indian Army NCC Special Entry Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
AFMS Medical Officer Rs.60,000 per month
Indian Army TES 52 Course Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
Army HQ MEG & Centre MTS, Barber, Instructor Rs.18,000 to Rs.19,900 per month
APS Wellington Teachers (TGT/PGT/PRT) Rs.15,000 to Rs.50,000 per month
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course (Officer) Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
DSSC Wellington Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Indian Army TN Circle Agniveer, Nursing Assistant Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army Religious Teacher/JCO Rs.56,100 per month
Indian Army SSC Officer Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
Indian Army Rally, Cuddalore Agniveer Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Army HQ Central Command Cook, Washerman, Messenger Rs.18,000 to Rs.63,200 per month
Indian Army 10+2 TES-51 Course (SSC Officer) Rs.13,940 to Rs.250,000 per month
Military Hospital, Chennai Gynaecologist Rs.60,000 per month
DSSC Wellington Driver, Fireman, Clerk, Cook Rs.18,000 to Rs.81,100 per month
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Officers Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
Army Public School Wellington LDC, Receptionist, Teachers Rs.15,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Nagercoil Military Canteen Clerk, Assistant, Computer Operator Rs.6,000 to Rs.7,000 per month
Indian Army SSC Officer (TGC-138) Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
HQ Southern Command Civilian Switch Board Operator Rs.21,700 per month
Ordnance Factory Chanda Graduate & Technician Apprentice Rs.8,000 to Rs.9,000 per month
Indian Army Chennai Rally Agniveer Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army Coimbatore Rally Agniveer Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army Trichy Rally Agniveer Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army HQ 22 Movement Control Cook, Washer Man, Baber, MTS Rs.18,000 to Rs.63,200 per month
Indian Army Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Rs.44,000 to Rs.78,000 per month
Indian Army Agnipaath Rally Vellore Agniveer Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army Agniveer (Women) Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Tech Officer Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month
Indian Army Dental Crops (SSC) Rs.20,000 per month
Army ASC Centre South Cook, Driver, Cleaner, MTS Rs.18,000 to Rs.29,200 per month
HQ Infantry School Cook, LDC, Draughtsman Rs.18,000 to Rs.81,100 per month
Army Military Hospital Ahmednagar Cook, Ward Sahayika Rs.20,000 per month
Chennai Military Hospital Washerman, Tradesman Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Army 9 Corps Signal Regiment Switch Board Operator Rs.21,700 per month
HQ Dakshin Bharath Area Canteen, Chennai Clerk, Security, Accountant, HouseKeeping Rs.11,790 to Rs.27,610 per month
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,002 per month
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Barber, Chowkidar Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000 per month
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Health Inspector Rs.20,000 per month
Indian Army-Southern Command Driver, Clerk, Safaiwala Rs.20,000 to Rs.62,000 per month
Indian Army-Eastern Command Clerk, Cook, Health Inspector, Washerman Rs.18,000 to Rs.81,100 per month
Indian Army Bihar Regimental Centre Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala Rs.18,000 to Rs.63,200 per month
Indian Army NCC Special Entry (SSC Officer) Rs.56,100 to Rs.250,000 per month

Age Limit

There is the minimum age limit for the posts is 18 years. The maximum Age Limit varies based on the posts. So, Please read the Official Notification for more details. Age relaxation based on Government rules.

How to apply for Indian Army Recruitment?

If we mentioned Online then you need to visit official website for apply. If it is offline, then you need to download the application form and send it to the mentioned address. If it is email then you need to send the application form to the Email. If it is a Walk-in then you visit the walk-in venue and attend the interview. If it is direct then you need to get the application form directly from the office address.

Organization Posts Apply Mode
Indian Army NCC Special Entry Online
Territorial Army Soldier Online
Territorial Army Ex-Officers Offline via Post
Army ASC South Cook, MTS, Driver Offline via Post
Indian Army SSC Officer (Law) Online
Indian Army SSC (Tech) Online
Army Public School Gaya Principal Offline via Post
Indian Army NCC Special Entry Online
AFMS Medical Officer Online
Indian Army TES 52 Course Online
Army HQ MEG & Centre MTS, Barber, Instructor Offline via Post
APS Wellington Teachers (TGT/PGT/PRT) Offline via Post
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course (Officer) Online
DSSC Wellington Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Offline via Post
Indian Army TN Circle Agniveer, Nursing Assistant Online
Indian Army Religious Teacher/JCO Online
Indian Army SSC Officer Online
Indian Army Rally, Cuddalore Agniveer Walk-IN
Army HQ Central Command Cook, Washerman, Messenger Offline via Post
Indian Army 10+2 TES-51 Course (SSC Officer) Online
Military Hospital, Chennai Gynaecologist Walk-IN
DSSC Wellington Driver, Fireman, Clerk, Cook Offline via Post
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Officers Online
Army Public School Wellington LDC, Receptionist, Teachers Offline via Post
Nagercoil Military Canteen Clerk, Assistant, Computer Operator Offline via Post
Indian Army SSC Officer (TGC-138) Online
HQ Southern Command Civilian Switch Board Operator Offline via Post
Ordnance Factory Chanda Graduate & Technician Apprentice Offline via Post
Indian Army Chennai Rally Agniveer Online
Indian Army Coimbatore Rally Agniveer Online
Indian Army Trichy Rally Agniveer Online
Indian Army HQ 22 Movement Control Cook, Washer Man, Baber, MTS Offline via Post
Indian Army Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Online
Indian Army Agnipaath Rally Vellore Agniveer Online
Indian Army Agniveer (Women) Online
Indian Army OTA Chennai SSC Tech Officer Online
Indian Army Dental Crops (SSC) Online
Army ASC Centre South Cook, Driver, Cleaner, MTS Offline via Post
HQ Infantry School Cook, LDC, Draughtsman Offline via Post
Army Military Hospital Ahmednagar Cook, Ward Sahayika Offline via Post
Chennai Military Hospital Washerman, Tradesman Offline via Post
Army 9 Corps Signal Regiment Switch Board Operator Offline via Post
HQ Dakshin Bharath Area Canteen, Chennai Clerk, Security, Accountant, HouseKeeping Online via E-Mail
Indian Army Technical Graduate Course Online
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Barber, Chowkidar Offline via Post
Indian Army HQ Southern Command Health Inspector Offline via Post
Indian Army-Southern Command Driver, Clerk, Safaiwala Offline via Post
Indian Army-Eastern Command Clerk, Cook, Health Inspector, Washerman Offline via Post
Indian Army Bihar Regimental Centre Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala Offline via Post
Indian Army NCC Special Entry (SSC Officer) Online
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