Last Updated: March 30, 2025 01:32 AM | by KW Media
TN Govt Jobs 2025 - On this page, We update Latest and upcoming Government Jobs of Tamil Nadu Government. Currently 3441+ Vacancies are available in the TN Govt. All the Job Notifications are shared from website.
Tamil Nadu Government has many vacancies available in various fields. Many State Government & Central Government industries are available in Tamil Nadu. On this page, We share TN Govt jobs in the following departments District Health Society (DHS), Government Medical College Hospital (GMCH), District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Social Welfare Department, District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), One Stop Centre (OSC), Government Higher Secondary School, Government College, Panchayat Office, TNSRLM and more.
Organization | Posts | Vacancies | Qualification | Last Date | Apply |
Pudukkottai DHS | Lab Technician, Treatment Supervisor | 4 | B.Sc, Diploma, DMLT, ITI | 06-01-2025 | Apply Now |
Madurai Thiagarajar College | Lab Technician, Assistant Professor | Various | Diploma, ITI, PhD | 30-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Sivaganga OSC | Security | 1 | 10th | 24-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Dindigul DHS | MTS, Dispenser, Therapeutic Assistant | 25 | B.Sc, BBA, BCA, BE/B.Tech, BSMS, BUMS, D.Pharm, Diploma, Literate | 10-01-2025 | Apply Now |
TNSRLM Tenkasi | MIS Analyst | 1 | BE/B.Tech, M.Sc, MCA | 27-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Tirunelveli DHS | DEO, Driver, Nurse, Medical Officer | 69 | 10th, 8th, B.Sc, BDS, D.Pharm, Diploma, ITI, M.Sc, MA, MBBS, MD | 31-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Pudukkottai DHS | Radiographer, Hospital Worker, Nurse | 9 | 10th, 8th, B.Ed, B.Sc, Diploma, M.Sc, MBA, MBBS, Nursing, PG Diploma | 24-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Ariyalur DCPU | Supervisor, Assistant, Watchman | 3 | 12th, 8th | 31-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Vellore Government Children Home | Student Counsellor | 1 | M.Sc | 24-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Kanchipuram DHS | Audiometrician, Instructor, Programme Manager | 3 | B.Sc, Diploma | 31-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Mayiladuthurai DCPU | Computer Operator | 1 | 12th | 20-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Vellore DHS | Nurse, Medical Officer, Pharmacist | 56 | 10th, 12th, 8th, Any Degree, B.Pharm, B.Sc, BDS, BSMS, D.Pharm, Diploma, DMLT, MBBS, Nursing | 16-12-2024 | Apply Now |
TNSRLM Tenkasi | District Resource Person (Farm) | 1 | B.Sc, BVSc | 21-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Tiruvannamalai DHS | Optometrist | 1 | Diploma, ITI | 20-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Ariyalur DCPU | Protection Officer | 1 | B.Sc, BA, M.Sc, MA | 18-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Sivaganga DHS | Lab Technician, Programme Assistant | 2 | Any Degree, ITI | 26-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Perambalur DHS | Hospital Worker, Driver, Medical Officer | 16 | 10th, 8th, Any Degree, B.Sc, BDS, BSMS, Diploma, ITI, M.Sc, Nursing | 20-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Tiruchirappalli DHS | Medical Officer, Lab Technician, Security Guard | 16 | 12th, 8th, B.Sc, Diploma, DMLT, ITI, M.Sc, MBBS | 13-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Virudhunagar DHS | Nurse, Pharmacist, Radiologist | Various | B.Sc, Diploma, MD, Nursing | 12-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Krishnagiri DHS | Dental Surgeon | 1 | BDS | 06-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Coimbatore DHS | DEO, Office Assistant, Lab Technician | 77 | 10th, 8th, Any Degree, B.Sc, BE/B.Tech, Diploma, ITI, M.Sc | 13-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Kundrakudi Adigalar Manimandapam | Librarian/Care Taker | 1 | ITI | 13-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Chennai DCPU | Counsellor | 1 | B.Sc, BA, PG Diploma | 10-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Thoothukudi DHS | Lab Technician, Health Inspector, Healthcare Provider | 5 | B.Sc, Diploma, ITI, Nursing | 03-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Virudhunagar JJB | Chairperson & Member | 5 | B.Sc, BA, BL | 06-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Pudukkottai JJB | Chairperson & Member | 5 | B.Sc, BA, BL | 06-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Perambalur JJB | Chairperson & Member | 5 | B.Sc, BA, BL | 06-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Trichy DCPU | Counsellor | 1 | B.Sc, BA, PG Diploma | 07-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Chennai OSC | Security Guard, Multi-purpose Helper | 5 | B.Sc, Literate | 06-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Tiruvannamalai DHS | Lab Technician, Pharmacist | 3 | 12th, B.Pharm, D.Pharm, Diploma, ITI | 06-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Coimbatore DHS | Medical Officer, Lab Technician, Supervisor | 10 | 12th, Any Degree, B.Sc, Diploma, DMLT, M.Sc, MBBS | 02-12-2024 | Apply Now |
TNWWHCL | Chief Executive Officer | 1 | Any Degree | 05-12-2024 | Apply Now |
TN Forest Department | Biologist | 3 | M.Sc | 30-11-2024 | Apply Now |
TN SDAT | Nutritionist, Physiotherapist, Masseur | 13 | B.Sc, Diploma, ITI, M.Sc, MBA, PhD | 10-12-2024 | Apply Now |
TN PWD | Graduate & Technician Apprentice | 760 | Any Degree, B.Arch, BE/B.Tech, Diploma | 31-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Tirupathur JJB | Social Work Member | 2 | B.Sc, BA, BL | 24-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Kallakurichi JJB | Social Work Member | 1 | B.Sc, BA | 28-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Viluppuram JJB | Chairperson & Member | 5 | B.Sc, BA | 29-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Thoothukudi JJB | Social Work Members | 1 | B.Sc, BA, BL, Law | 03-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Ramanathapuram DCPU | Legal/Probation Officer | 1 | BL, Law | 27-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Karur DHS | Lab Technician, Doctor, Therapeutic Assistant | 6 | B.Sc, BA, BSMS, Diploma, DMLT, M.Sc, MA | 05-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Cuddalore OSC | Case Worker-II (Women) | 1 | B.Sc, BA | 25-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Ariyalur OSC | Center Administrator, Case Worker | 2 | M.Sc, MA | 03-12-2024 | Apply Now |
Salem School for Hearing Impaired | Computer Operator | 1 | B.Ed, B.Sc, BCA, BE/B.Tech | 20-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Thanjavur DHS | Lab Technician, Health Visitor, Lab Supervisor | 3 | 12th, B.Sc, Diploma, DMLT | 23-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Tiruvannamalai DHS | Data Entry Operator | 2 | Any Degree, B.Sc, Diploma | 20-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Kanyakumari DHS | Nursing Assistant, Radiographer, Audiologist | 6 | B.Sc, Diploma, Nursing | 25-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Salem Mahalir Thittam | MIS Analyst | 1 | BE/B.Tech, M.Sc, MCA | 15-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Thanjavur Raja Mirasdar Hospital | MTS,. Security, Sanitary Worker | 3 | Literate | 20-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Kumbakonam District Head Quarters Hospital | MTS, OT Assistant, Physiotherapist | 4 | 10th, B.Sc, Diploma | 20-11-2024 | Apply Now |
Tamil Nadu Government Recruitment 2025 to 2026 full details are available on this page. TN Govt have various job vacancies in many fields. We get all the details from the TN Govt Official Website and share Job News on We recommend job searching candidates regularly check this page for faster Job Updates.
Recently shared posts are Lab Technician, Treatment Supervisor, Lab Technician, Assistant Professor, Security, MTS, Dispenser, Therapeutic Assistant, MIS Analyst, DEO, Driver, Nurse, Medical Officer, Radiographer, Hospital Worker, Nurse, Supervisor, Assistant, Watchman, Student Counsellor, Audiometrician, Instructor, Programme Manager, Computer Operator, Nurse, Medical Officer, Pharmacist, District Resource Person (Farm), Optometrist, Protection Officer, Lab Technician, Programme Assistant, Hospital Worker, Driver, Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Lab Technician, Security Guard, Nurse, Pharmacist, Radiologist, Dental Surgeon, DEO, Office Assistant, Lab Technician, Librarian/Care Taker, Counsellor, Lab Technician, Health Inspector, Healthcare Provider, Chairperson & Member, Chairperson & Member, Chairperson & Member, Counsellor, Security Guard, Multi-purpose Helper, Lab Technician, Pharmacist, Medical Officer, Lab Technician, Supervisor, Chief Executive Officer, Biologist, Nutritionist, Physiotherapist, Masseur, Graduate & Technician Apprentice, Social Work Member, Social Work Member, Chairperson & Member, Social Work Members, Legal/Probation Officer, Lab Technician, Doctor, Therapeutic Assistant, Case Worker-II (Women), Center Administrator, Case Worker, Computer Operator, Lab Technician, Health Visitor, Lab Supervisor, Data Entry Operator, Nursing Assistant, Radiographer, Audiologist, MIS Analyst, MTS,. Security, Sanitary Worker, MTS, OT Assistant, Physiotherapist
All the latest and upcoming TN Govt Recruitment 2023 will share on this page. Before, Applying for any job please read the official notification carefully. Jobkola team only get TN Govt Job News from the official website So, please read the guidelines mentioned on the Official Website before applying for the job.
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We only share Indian Government Job Updates. So, plese check the Official Website for result related updates.