JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती 2024 » Nurse, Driver, Lab Technician

Last Updated: December 16, 2024 08:39 AM | by KW Media

JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती 2024 निम्नलिखित पदों के लिए आवेदक को आमंत्रित करना Nurse, Driver, Lab Technician. इस नौकरी के लिए 23 रिक्तियां उपलब्ध हैं. इन पदों के लिए उम्मीदवारों को सीधे वॉक-इन के माध्यम से आवेदन करना होगा. काम करने की जगह Puducherry, तमिलनाडु. JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती आवेदन की प्रारंभिक तिथि 20-12-2024 से 21-12-2024 तक. पात्र उम्मीदवार रु.18,000 से रु.55,665 तक वेतन उपलब्ध. इस वेबपेज पर नीचे साझा किया गया पूरा विवरण.

इस पद के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले, उम्मीदवारों को शिक्षा योग्यता और आयु सीमा की जांच करनी होगी।. आधिकारिक अधिसूचना को पूरा पढ़ें. B.Sc, BA, BCA, BSW, Diploma, DMLT, M.Com, M.Sc, MA, MBA, MCA, MSW, Nursing, PhD पात्र उम्मीदवार इस पद के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं. रोज़ाना आने वाली सरकारी नौकरी अपडेट पाने के लिए कृपया इस पेज को नियमित रूप से देखें & हमारे टेलीग्राम ग्रुप से जुड़ें.

JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती 2024

संगठन JIPMER पुदुचेरी
पोस्ट Nurse, Driver, Lab Technician
योग्यता B.Sc, BA, BCA, BSW, Diploma, DMLT, M.Com, M.Sc, MA, MBA, MCA, MSW, Nursing, PhD
रिक्तियों 23
वेतन रु.18,000 to रु.55,665 per month
कार्य स्थल Puducherry, तमिलनाडु
विधि लागू करें Walk-IN
अंतिम तिथी December 20, 2024 to December 21, 2024

JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती 2024: शैक्षणिक योग्यता

Project Technical Support-III (MSW)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in the field of Social work or Sociology with three years of working experience in the relevant field or Master's degree in the field of Social work or Sociology with one year of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Technical Support-III (Nurse)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Nursing with minimum two years of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Technical Support-III (Lab Technician)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology with three years of working experience in the relevant field or Master's degree in M.Sc in the field of Life Science.


Candidates with a Master's degree in M.Sc in the field of Life Science with minimum three years of working experience in the relevant field.

Finance Manager

Candidates with a Master's degree in the field of Commerce or Master of Business Administration in the field of Finance with minimum five years of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Technical Support-III (Programmer)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Computer Science or Bachelor of Computer Application with minimum two years of working experience in the relevant field or Master of Computer Application or M.Sc in the field of Computer Science.

Lab Assistant

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology or Diploma in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology.

Project Technical Support-I (Lab)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology or Diploma in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology with minimum three years of working experience in the relevant field.


Candidates with a Diploma in any field with minimum three years of working experience in the relevant field with valid Driving License.

Scientist B

Candidates with a Doctorate degree in PhD in the field of Life Science.

Lab Technician

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology with three years of working experience in the relevant field or Master's degree in M.Sc in the field of Life Science.

Study Coordinator

Candidates with a Master's degree in M.Sc in the field of Life Science with minimum four years of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Technical Support-III (MSW)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in the field of Social work or Sociology with three years of working experience in the relevant field or Master's degree in the field of Social work or Sociology with one year of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Technical Support-III (Nurse)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Nursing with minimum two years of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Technical Support-III

Candidates with a Master's degree in any field with minimum two years of working experience in the relevant field.

Project Assistant (Lab)

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology or Diploma in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology.

Project Technical Support-I

Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in B.Sc in the field of Computer Science or Bachelor of Computer Application.

Project Technical Support-I (Lab)

Candidates with a Diploma in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology with minimum two years of working experience in the relevant field.

Data Manager

Candidates with a Master's degree in the field of Statistics or Bio-statistics with three years of working experience in the relevant field.

Technical Assistant

Candidates with a Diploma in any field with two years of working experience in the relevant field.

JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती 2024: रिक्तियों

पोस्ट रिक्तियों
Project Technical Support-III (MSW) 2
Project Technical Support-III (Nurse) 2
Project Technical Support-III (Lab Technician) 2
Coordinator-Lab 1
Finance Manager 1
Project Technical Support-III (Programmer) 1
Lab Assistant 1
Project Technical Support-I (Lab) 1
Driver 1
Scientist B 1
Lab Technician 1
Study Coordinator 1
Project Technical Support-III (MSW) 1
Project Technical Support-III (Nurse) 1
Project Technical Support-III 1
Project Assistant (Lab) 1
Project Technical Support-I 1
Project Technical Support-I (Lab) 1
Data Manager 1
Technical Assistant 1
Total 23

JIPMER पुदुचेरी भर्ती 2024: वेतन विवरण

पोस्ट वेतन विवरण
Project Technical Support-III (MSW) Rs.33,000 to Rs.34,000 per month
Project Technical Support-III (Nurse) Rs.33,000 to Rs.34,000 per month
Project Technical Support-III (Lab Technician) Rs.30,000 to Rs.31,000 per month
Coordinator-Lab Rs.40,000 per month
Finance Manager Rs.55,000 per month
Project Technical Support-III (Programmer) Rs.30,000 per month
Lab Assistant Rs.18,000 per month
Project Technical Support-I (Lab) Rs.25,150 per month
Driver Rs.18,000 per month
Scientist B Rs.55,665 per month
Lab Technician Rs.32,500 per month
Study Coordinator Rs.44,000 to Rs.46,706 per month
Project Technical Support-III (MSW) Rs.30,000 per month
Project Technical Support-III (Nurse) Rs.32,480 per month
Project Technical Support-III Rs.33,765 per month
Project Assistant (Lab) Rs.23,200 per month
Project Technical Support-I Rs.20,880 per month
Project Technical Support-I (Lab) Rs.20,880 per month
Data Manager Rs.45,000 per month
Technical Assistant Rs.25,000 per month
आयु सीमा
  • Project Technical Support-III or Coordinator-Lab or Scientist B-Maximum 40 years
  • Project Technical Support-III(Lab Technician) or Lab Assistant or Project Technical Support-I(Lab) or Driver or Lab Technician or Study Coordinator or Project Assistant(Lab) or Data Manager-Maximum 30 years
  • Finance Manager-Maximum 35 years
  • Project Technical Support-I or Technical Assistant-Maximum 28 years
चयन प्रक्रिया
  • Written Exam/Interview
आवेदन शुल्क
  • No Fee
प्रक्रिया लागू करें
  • नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर आवेदन पत्र डाउनलोड करें.
  • आवेदन पत्र का प्रिंट लें.
  • एक आवेदन पत्र और आधिकारिक अधिसूचना में उल्लिखित सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेजों के साथ कार्यक्रम स्थल पर जाएं.
Jawaharlal Institute OF Postgraduate Medical Education And Research (JIPMER), Dhanwantri Nagar,
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