क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती 2023 » Lab Technician, Emergency Care Technician

Last Updated: June 8, 2023 01:58 PM | by KW Media

क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती 2023 निम्नलिखित पदों के लिए आवेदक को आमंत्रित करना Lab Technician, Emergency Care Technician. इस नौकरी के लिए 11 रिक्तियां उपलब्ध हैं. इन पदों के लिए उम्मीदवारों को ऑनलाइन आवेदन करना होगा. काम करने की जगह Vellore, तमिलनाडु. क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती आवेदन की प्रारंभिक तिथि 08-06-2023 से 19-06-2023 तक. पात्र उम्मीदवार रु.20,000 से रु.90,003 तक वेतन उपलब्ध. इस वेबपेज पर नीचे साझा किया गया पूरा विवरण.

इस पद के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले, उम्मीदवारों को शिक्षा योग्यता और आयु सीमा की जांच करनी होगी।. आधिकारिक अधिसूचना को पूरा पढ़ें. 10th, 12th, B.Sc, M.Sc, MD, MS, Nursing, PG Diploma पात्र उम्मीदवार इस पद के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं. रोज़ाना आने वाली सरकारी नौकरी अपडेट पाने के लिए कृपया इस पेज को नियमित रूप से देखें & हमारे टेलीग्राम ग्रुप से जुड़ें.

क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती 2023

संगठन क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज
पोस्ट Lab Technician, Emergency Care Technician
योग्यता 10th, 12th, B.Sc, M.Sc, MD, MS, Nursing, PG Diploma
रिक्तियों 11
वेतन रु.20,000 to रु.90,003 per month
कार्य स्थल Vellore, तमिलनाडु
विधि लागू करें ऑनलाइन
आरंभ करने की तिथि June 8, 2023
अंतिम तिथी June 19, 2023

क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती 2023: शैक्षणिक योग्यता

Health Aide Gr.V

Candidates should be pass 10th standard with one year training or Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife training and those who have completed four years of experience as Junior Health Aide.

Staff III Medical Lab Technician

Candidates should be pass 12th standard with Diploma in the field of Medical Laboratory Technician and those who have completed four years of experience as Medical Lab Technician.

Senior Resident Gr.III

Post Graduate Degree in Doctor of Medicine or Diplomate of National Board in the field of Palliative Medicine or Anaesthesiology or Radiation Oncology or Internal Medicine.

Senior Resident

Post Graduate Degree in Doctor of Medicine in the field of Transfusion Medicine or Pathology.

Senior Resident Gr.III

Post Graduate Degree in Master of Science in the field of Orthopaedics.

Associate Professor

Post Graduate Degree in Doctor of Medicine in the field of Transfusion Medicine with five years of teaching experience.

Tutor M.Sc (Nursing)

Master Degree in M.Sc in the field of Nursing in Medical Surgical Nursing.


Master Degree in M.Sc in the field of Nursing in Medical Surgical Nursing with nine years of experience in the relevant field.

Junior Emergency Care Technician

Bachelor Degree in B.Sc in the field of Accident and Emergency Care Technician Course.

Staff II Emergency Care Technician

Bachelor Degree in B.Sc in the field of Accident and Emergency Care Technician Course with four years of experience as junior Emergency Care Technician.

Junior Speech Therapist

Bachelor Degree in B.Sc in the field of Speech Therapy and Audiology.

क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती 2023: रिक्तियों

पोस्ट रिक्तियों
Health Aide Gr.V 1
Staff III Medical Lab Technician 1
Senior Resident Gr.III 1
Senior Resident 1
Senior Resident Gr.III 1
Associate Professor 1
Tutor M.Sc (Nursing) 1
Professor 1
Junior Emergency Care Technician 1
Staff II Emergency Care Technician 1
Junior Speech Therapist 1
Total 11

क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज भर्ती 2023: वेतन विवरण

पोस्ट वेतन विवरण
Health Aide Gr.V As per Govt rule
Staff III Medical Lab Technician As per Govt rule
Senior Resident Gr.III As per Govt rule
Senior Resident As per Govt rule
Senior Resident Gr.III As per Govt rule
Associate Professor As per Govt rule
Tutor M.Sc (Nursing) As per Govt rule
Professor As per Govt rule
Junior Emergency Care Technician As per Govt rule
Staff II Emergency Care Technician As per Govt rule
Junior Speech Therapist As per Govt rule
आयु सीमा
  • Health Aide Gr.V or Staff III Medical Lab Technician or Junior Emergency Care Technician or Staff II Emergency Care Technician or Junior Speech Therapist-Maximum 35 Years,
चयन प्रक्रिया
  • Written Exam/Interview
आवेदन शुल्क
  • No Fee
प्रक्रिया लागू करें
  • नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर अप्लाई ऑनलाइन बटन पर क्लिक करें.
  • विवरण भरें और ऑनलाइन आवेदन जमा करें.
ऑनलाइन आवेदन लिंक
आधिकारिक अधिसूचना लिंक
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट लिंक
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Tags: 10th 12th B.Sc M.Sc MD MS Nursing PG Diploma तमिलनाडु
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