चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती 2022 » Driver, Store Keeper, MTS, Sweeper

Last Updated: January 24, 2022 06:17 PM | by KW Media

चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती 2022 निम्नलिखित पदों के लिए आवेदक को आमंत्रित करना Driver, Store Keeper, MTS, Sweeper. इस नौकरी के लिए 80 रिक्तियां उपलब्ध हैं. इन पदों के लिए उम्मीदवारों को डाक के माध्यम से ऑफलाइन आवेदन करना होगा. काम करने की जगह Chennai, तमिलनाडु. चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती आवेदन की प्रारंभिक तिथि 23-01-2022 से 20-02-2022 तक. पात्र उम्मीदवार रु.18,000 से रु.81,000 तक वेतन उपलब्ध. इस वेबपेज पर नीचे साझा किया गया पूरा विवरण.

इस पद के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले, उम्मीदवारों को शिक्षा योग्यता और आयु सीमा की जांच करनी होगी।. आधिकारिक अधिसूचना को पूरा पढ़ें. 10th, 12th पात्र उम्मीदवार इस पद के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं. रोज़ाना आने वाली सरकारी नौकरी अपडेट पाने के लिए कृपया इस पेज को नियमित रूप से देखें & हमारे टेलीग्राम ग्रुप से जुड़ें.

चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती 2022

संगठन चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक
पोस्ट Driver, Store Keeper, MTS, Sweeper
योग्यता 10th, 12th
रिक्तियों 80
वेतन रु.18,000 to रु.81,000 per month
कार्य स्थल Chennai, तमिलनाडु
विधि लागू करें पोस्ट
आरंभ करने की तिथि January 23, 2022
अंतिम तिथी February 20, 2022

चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती 2022: शैक्षणिक योग्यता

Engine Driver

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with Certificate of competency as Engine Driver.

Sarang Lascar

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with Certificate of competency as Sarang.

Store Keeper Grade-II

Candidate should be pass 12th standard with one year of experience in Handling Store.

Civilian Motor Transport Driver

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with valid driving License for both heavy and light motor vehicles with minimum two years of experience in driving motor vehicles.


Candidate should be pass 10th standard with candidate should be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties.

ICE Fitter(Skilled)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard or four years of experience in the relevant field.

Spray Painter

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with candidate should have complete apprenticeship in the relevant field.

MT Fitter/ MT Tech/ MT Mech

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with two years of experience in automobile workshop.

Multitasking Staff(mali)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with two years of experience in relevant field.

Multitasking Staff(Peon)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with two years of experience in Office Attendant.

Multitasking Staff(Daftry)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with two years of experience in Office Attendant.

Multitasking staff(Sweeper)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with two years of experience in Clean ship.

Sheet Metal Worker(Semi-Skilled)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with three years of experience in the relevant field.

Electrical Fitter(Semi-Skilled)

Candidate should be pass 10th standard with three years of experience in the relevant field.


Candidate should be pass 10th standard with three years of experience in the relevant field.

चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती 2022: रिक्तियों

पोस्ट रिक्तियों
Engine Driver 8
Sarang Lascar 3
Store Keeper Grade-II 4
Civilian Motor Transport Driver 24
Fireman 6
ICE Fitter(Skilled) 6
Spray Painter 1
MT Fitter/ MT Tech/ MT Mech 6
Multitasking Staff(mali) 3
Multitasking Staff(Peon) 10
Multitasking Staff(Daftry) 3
Multitasking staff(Sweeper) 3
Sheet Metal Worker(Semi-Skilled) 1
Electrical Fitter(Semi-Skilled) 1
Labourer 1
Total 80

चेन्नई में भारतीय तटरक्षक भर्ती 2022: वेतन विवरण

पोस्ट वेतन विवरण
Engine Driver Rs.25,500 to Rs.81,100 per month
Sarang Lascar Rs.25,500 to Rs.81,100 per month
Store Keeper Grade-II Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
Civilian Motor Transport Driver Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
Fireman Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
ICE Fitter(Skilled) Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
Spray Painter Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
MT Fitter/ MT Tech/ MT Mech Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200 per month
Multitasking Staff(mali) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Multitasking Staff(Peon) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Multitasking Staff(Daftry) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Multitasking staff(Sweeper) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Sheet Metal Worker(Semi-Skilled) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Electrical Fitter(Semi-Skilled) Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
Labourer Rs.18,000 to Rs.56,900 per month
आयु सीमा
  • Engine Driver or Sarang Lascar-minimum 18 Years to Maximum 30 Years
  • Store Keeper Grade-II-minimum 18 Years to Maximum 25 Years
  • Civilian Motor Transport Driver or Fireman or ICE Fitter(Skilled) or Spray Painter or MT Fitter/ MT Tech/ MT Mech or Multitasking Staff(mali) or Multitasking Staff(Peon) or Multitasking Staff(Daftry) or Multitasking staff(Sweeper) or Sheet Metal Worker(Semi-Skilled) or Electrical Fitter(Semi-Skilled) or Labourer -minimum 18 Years to Maximum 27 Years
चयन प्रक्रिया
  • Written Exam/Interview
आवेदन शुल्क
  • No Fee
प्रक्रिया लागू करें
  • नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर आवेदन पत्र डाउनलोड करें.
  • आवेदन पत्र का प्रिंट लें.
  • आधिकारिक अधिसूचना में उल्लिखित सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेजों के साथ आवेदन पत्र भरें और इसे निम्नलिखित पते पर भेजें.
The Commander,
Coast Guard Region (East), Near Napier Bridge,
Fort St George(PO), Chennai-600009.
आवेदन प्रपत्र लिंक
आधिकारिक अधिसूचना लिंक
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